What are the growing conditions of blueberries?

What are the growing conditions of blueberries?

by henry

What are the growing conditions of blueberries?

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Mar 02, 2010
Growing Conditions for Blueberries
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

Blueberries can be grown in any area that azaleas do well in as they have the same growing conditions. So that is your yardstick if you are wondering about whether they will grow in your area. They prefer areas that have a cooler climate and do not do well in tropical areas as it is just too hot for them. Blueberries are native to both South and North America, Europe and Asia.

Blueberries like to have an acidic soil to grow in, which should have lots of compost and humus. A pH of 4.5 is ideal, but a pH of 4.0-5.5 is an acceptable range. They also like moist soil but not soggy soil, so it should be well-drained.

Check the pH of your soil every year. If it gets above 5.5 apply ground sulphur at a rate of 25g (1 oz) per plant, either raked or watered in. As blueberries are shallow rooted plants, take care with the raking so that you don't damage the root system.

Plant them in a sheltered position. Ideally, they will be screened from trees on one side so that they get the morning sun but the afternoon shade. However, if you try and grow this fruit in deep-shade the plants will not flower very well, therefore your crop will be poor.

Southern Highbush and Rabbiteye varieties are best grown in areas that have a warmer climate as these are varieties that come from the Southern States of America.

For a more detailed explanation visit our page on Growing Blueberries.

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