Using Juicers for Composting

Using Juicers for Composting

by Yvette Victorino

I am a firm believer in eating healthy, and growing organic foods. Although, I am not a pure vegetarian; because on occasions I still eat chicken and turkey, most of what I consume is either fruit or vegetables. Recently, while preparing a meal, a thought occurred to me about using a certain appliance known as a juicer, and producing rich compost for the garden.

A juicer is a tool or appliance used to extract juice from fruits, vegetables, or wheat grass. The reason we use juicers is because of the high nutrition of the juice of fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants which promote health and healing.

I will have to admit, not everyone owns a juicer, because they can be expensive, but if you can afford one, it is a great investment.

The juicers extract the juice but they separate the pulp and collect it in a side basket, this is known as the waste. Well, since this waste is to be discarded, why not use it to compost your plants directly. I have taken the pulp to bury it deep near the roots of my flowering plants or vegetables, this is a form of feeding the plant, while you benefit from the juice. Of course the obvious is to enrich your compost pile by adding it directly to that as well.

Juicers break down the fruit and vegetables by shredding it down, which translates into faster decomposing; I found that you can take old vegetables that you can't juice, and just use it to create pulp, while using the juice to feed the plants directly. It all becomes compost when used correctly, only a juicer breaks it down faster benefiting everyone.

If almost everyone who eats fruits and vegetables would take the waste, and just compost it. You can only imagine the benefit we would have on the earth. The rich soil we would produce and the healthy plants we could create.

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Jun 24, 2010
Great minds think alike!!!
by: Bobbe Anderson

I actually have been taking my kitchen scraps and putting them in my blender with water and then pouring it directly onto my garden.

Basically, doing the same that you are doing with your juicer.

"Waste not, want not," was one of my mother's favorite sayings, Bobbe, and I tend to carry that with me as one of my own sayings now.

You can always find additional uses for things when recycling, but of course when it comes to composting, nothing works faster than creating goodness for your gardens with material that has been cut up really finely, so that it decomposes quickly.

As you say, you can use either a food processor of a blender for the process, as the end result is just the same.

Happy gardening, and glad your found us!

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