Tunbridge Wells Farmers Market

Tunbridge Wells Farmers Market

by Barbara Simmons
(Kent )

The Tunbridge Wells Farmers' Market is held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday outside the Town Hall in the center of town close to rail and bus services.

We have been in existence for over 10 years and are now one of the largest farmers markets in Kent.

FARMA certified, great local food (catchment area 30 miles), low or no packaging where possible, hot food, organic meat and vegetables, fresh fish, ethnic foods.

We try to be as thoughtful to the environment as possible, we have stallholders that reuse oil to run their vehicles, a big Ecover refill stall, our jams and jellies have returnable jars.

If its grown locally we are interested in having it on the market. Our aim is to give our customers the chance of feeding themselves with as much as we can find from the local area.

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