by Joe
(Dublin, Ireland)
This tip is for those of us who wish to take revenge on those slimy creatures, slugs and snails and engage in direct battle with them.
Fill a spray bottle with disinfectant and water,the local brand I use is "Dettol" which is also an antiseptic. About 10-15% disinfectant to 500ml of water.
Take yourself into the garden late evening with a torch when the snails are active and give them a squirt or two from the bottle and watch them shrivel up.
Dettol is more effective on snails, they seem to froth up and there is no nasty smell of decaying snails the following day.
The higher the percentage of disinfectant the less you have to spray on the snails. The solution does not seem to have any effect on plants!
Many thanks for your tip on using disinfectant to get rid of slugs and snails. Dettol is also very good for killing cane toads as well for our Australian readers!
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