by hasnain haider
I want to raise an Angus herd as my focus is on beef breed. Should I go for a pure breed or a cross of Angus and a local cow?
Moreover we don't have the Angus breed available in Pakistan. I don't know from where to import it. Can Angus survive in hot weather like Pakistan's?
Also if I develop a cross-bred herd how to maintain it over the long run?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Hi Hasnain
Your question is really quite technical and answering this is quite out of our depth.
As a result I would encourage your to contact the Angus Society of Australia as there are parts of Australia that have very similar weather conditions to what you would experience in Pakistan.
They would also be able to advise you on your cross-breeding program and how to secure some Angus cattle.
Because of the difficulty found with Angus cows in calving cross-breeding is often followed by those who keep Angus cattle.
Here is the email address for the Australian Angus Society:
We wish you all the best, and please let us know how you get on.
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