style furniture has enjoyed a revival these last few years, and many
enjoy its simple, straight lines and unfussy look, that is very similar
to Shaker furniture. We hope that you enjoy the look of the porch swing
below, that you might be tempted to turning your hand at making one
yourself with our mission furniture plans.

A Mission-Style Porch Swing
Porch Swing
Plans and Materials Needed
The porch swing shown in the illustration can be made of southern pine
at a very moderate cost. It should be suspended by rustless black
chains and eye-bolts passing through the lower rails. If cushions are
desired they can be made up quite cheaply of elastic felt covered with
denim cloth.
pieces for your porch swing plans, dressed and sanded, may be bought at
the mill or your local
hardware store:
* 2 rails, 1-3/4 by 3 by 71 in., S-4-S.
* 1 rail, 1-3/4 by 3 by 65 in., S-4-S.
* 2 posts, 1-3/4 by 3 by 25 in., S-4-S.
* 2 posts, 1-3/4 by 3 by 17 in., S-4-S.
* 2 rails, 1-3/4 by 3 by 22-1/2 in., S-2-S.
* 2 arm rests, 7/8 by 4 by 28 in., S-2-S.
* 5 slats, 3/8 by 5 by 16 in., S-2-S.
* 8 ft. flooring for bottom.
* 2 cleats, 7/8 by 1-1/2 by 57 in., S-4-S.
Porch Swing
Plans and Instructions
and square the ends of all the rails and posts. Lay out the lap joints
for the back rails and posts. Use a knife line for this and saw exactly
to the line to avoid trimming with the chisel. When sawing be careful
to cut exactly halfway through the thickness of each piece. In the same
way make the lap joints between the front rail and posts. Have the two
end rails exactly the same length and proceed to fasten the front and
back posts to them, using 4-in. lag screws and washers. Bore through
the posts and part way into the ends of the end rails for the lag

Free Porch
Plans and Details
The slats are mortised 1/2 in. into the back rails, or a 3/8-in. groove
may be planed in these rails, the entire distance between joints, to
receive the slats. A rabbeting plane will be needed for this. The arm
rests lap over the back posts and are held to them with 2-in.
round-head screws. They may be fastened to the top of the front posts
with round-head screws or dowel pins.
Ordinary pine flooring makes a good, tight seat, or
7/8-in. board may be used if desired. Fasten the cleats, which support
the seat, to the front and back lower rails with 1-1/2-in. screws.
bring out the beautiful grain of southern pine, stain it brown or black
and finish with two coats of waterproof varnish.
Do you have Something to
Share on these Porch Swing Plans?
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where you can
contribute to throughout this website. We love hearing from our
readers, and hope
you will be one of those we hear from too. Look around our homesteading
website. If you have some comments,
tips and ideas about mission furniture
or these porch
swing plans of your own,
submit them. All you need to do is type and submit. We will do the
rest! If you have some pictures of your own designs we would love to
see them!
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