by jerry
(Petaluma, cal,94044)
With regards to a large scale planting of Fava Beans, does one use a seeder or do they just scatter the seed, harrow and board for an en masse seeding for green manure crop?
I realize the dual row bed technique is for the intention of fresh market. But what I need is a specific explanation on how to seed for a thick green manure crop.
Also, in using this technique, how many pounds per acre?
Jerry, first of all with regards to seeding rates for fava beans you can use 125-150 pounds of seed per acre for the smaller fava bean varieties and 150-300 pounds of seed per acre for the larger varieties.
These rates are for a thick crop. If you don't want a lot of biomass, then you can reduce the seeding rate. Some farmers only use 80 lbs of seed, per acre, for example.
It is best to plant the seeds 3 inches deep in well prepared soil. If you have stony soil, go over the soil and compact to make sure that you have good soil/seed contact.
You can plant using a drill that is set to rows 30 inches apart, or you can use a corn planter.
The distance between plants for a cover crop should be 6 inches.
You can, however, just broadcast the seed as well, which is what you had suggested in your email. However, seeding in rows gives a better result.
Countryfarm Lifestyles
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