passing children over a grave

passing children over a grave

My grandmother either passed us over her last brother's grave or we were asked to step over it. This was done during the 1950's. I was about four years old.

I have always wanted to know why we had to do that, and what custom or culture this this,thanks.


I can only presume that you are of Jamaican extraction as this was on old burial right of the Jamaican people that was taken very seriously.

By passing the child either over the coffin or the grave 3 times it was a way of protecting the child against any spirits who would want to do them harm.

Hope that now solves the mystery that has been bothering you all these years.

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Oct 27, 2012
African Burial Ritual
by: Anonymous

The ritual comes from Africa. My family does this as well. We are Gullahs from the SC Low Country with origins in Sierra Leone. I read about this but I can't seem to remember where and exactly which country/tribes participated in this ritual.

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