Organic Vegetable
Gardening and Benefits of Growing Vegetables in an Organic Garden
There is no mystery to
organic vegetable gardening. See why you should have
an organic garden, the benefits of growing
organic vegetables and
tips creating something beautiful. The idea of
organic gardening might be new to you, but for many years now people
around the globe have learned to produce superior fruits and vegetables
even on small plots of land, And wherever a family has an organic
garden, their health and well-being greatly increases.
Growing Organic Vegetables
3 Good Reasons for
Organic Vegetable Gardening
You are able to produce delicious and nutritious foods for
You are able to avoid foods treated with harmful
fertilizers and insecticides.
You have taken up a fascinating new hobby that may become a
source of income as well.
Organic Vegetable Gardening is Not Difficult
Gardening is not
difficult, once you have learned to let the enzymes of compost
and the
do most of the work for
Earthworms do your ploughing.
Under light mulch, soil becomes soft and crumbly, making spading and
hoeing hardly necessary. Your mulches smother out weeds.
an organic garden is just as much work as having a conventional garden,
but it just means that you will have healthy, clean food as a results
of your efforts.
Why Should we Have an Organic Garden?
While health can
certainly be improved by selecting for nutritive value
such foods as are available, nevertheless, owing to soil depletion,
many of our garden products today lack the vitamins, minerals and other
nutrients they should contain.
Commercial Fertilizers
supplying phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium force the growth of the
vegetables, but fail to supply the main nutrients that are needed for a
healthy plant. As these plants are deficient in the missing nutrients,
the animals and humans living off such plant foods likewise suffer
difficiencies. This chain reaction has resulted in a tremendous
increase in diseases in your plants, animals and humans alike and is
exactly the reason why we have to add vitamins and minerals to our diet
with pills.
When we use commerial
insecticides and pesticides on our farms and gardens to get rid of
these garden pests, we are
poisoning not only the insects but we are also poisoning the birds that
eat those insects and the humans that are eating the produce as it
still has
residual insecticide both on the skins and absorbed by the fruits and
vegetables themselves.
Not only that, but these
insecticides and pesticides
kill millions of useful
insects that we need to fight the crop-destroying ones. Cases of
poisonings from sprays left on vegetables and fruit are not uncommon,
and for those of you who are worried about these sprays as you are not
able to grow your own organic vegetables just yet I suggest the
following recipe to wash your vegetables with:
A Recipe for Removing
Poisonous Sprays on Vegetables
Buy a bottle of pure
hydrochloric acid from your
pharmacy and pour it into 3 quarts of water. This makes up a 1%
solution and is entirely harmless. Put this solution in an earthenware
crock and simply place your vegetables in this solution for 5 mintues.
Remove and rinse with ordinary water. Renew your solution every week.
More reasonsfor Organic Vegetable Gardening
With organic vegetable
gardening, not only are the minerals, vitamins and protein content in
your vegetables greatly increased, but the flavour is incredibly
superior to that of foods grown on chemically fertilized soil.
It has
been proved beyond doubt that healthier plants can be grown,
that diseases of plants can be corrected by rebuilding the soil and
revitalizing it with natural humus, and that sprays and poisons become
unnecessary. And those who have eaten only organically grown foods for
a number of years find improvement in their health.
You will find organic
vegetable growing one of the most exciting and satisfying of hobbies.
You may start reading books and websites like these, with mild
interest, however, within time you will soon realize just how much
sense organic vegetable growing actually makes, and hopefully you too
will soon have an organic garden of your very own.
safe is our food? Not nearly as safe if we grow our own! Food
issues are not going to go away. Unfortunately, they are here
to stay.
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