Organic farm produce is
the only way to eat these days if you are concerned about how your food
is being grown before it gets to your plate. Of course, the best way to
tackle the problem of fresh produce is to grow your own. When this is
not possible, the next best thing to do in order to get good, clean
organic food is to source if from your local stores, farmers markets
and gate sales directly from the farms and homesteads in your area.
Get to know your neighborhood. You will be
surprised what people around you are selling. Find out where
and when
your local markets are being held and find out if there are any organic
farmers selling produce.
Use the Internet to hunt down those organic sellers close
to you. However, make sure that the supplier you are
using is providing quality produce. So often I have seen people selling
organic meat where it would be hard to tell the difference between
eating that and a pair of old boots, or organic produce that was
already wilting before you could get it into the fridge.
Organic farm produce is best bought from the farm itself,
either from their
farm stores and shops
on the property or from farm stalls found alongside country roads. What
better way to spend a Sunday?! When buying produce directly from the
farms, you know that your fruit, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs etc. are
However, the next best places are at your local farmers markets, but
get there early to make sure that your produce is still fresh by the
time you get it home.
Why buy Organic Produce?

I am not going to go into the
whys and the wherefores into buying
organic food. I We all know of the awful
that are sprayed on produce that is not organic. So from a health
perspective, with pesticides being linked to many illnesses including
Parkinson's, it is so important to eat clean food.
And, besides, organic food tastes better, doesn't it? Ever had those
eggs from the supermarket that are not only pale and anemic looking but
also taste medicinal, or worse fishy? You don't need to eat crap like
Food is the fuel your body needs to function properly to maintain
its health.
You wouldn't think of putting in crappy fuel for your car
and expect it to run effeciently so why would you think that you can
abuse your body by feeding it polluted food?
how safe is our food? I will leave
you pondering that question or you can read the answers in the article.
Organic Farm Produce and Farmers Markets
Organic Farm Produce and Farm Stores
More Organic Farm Produce Resources
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