new to raising chickens

new to raising chickens

by sharon
(orange va. usa)

I have just discovered your web site and am already enjoying it.

I love gardening and raising chickens. I live in central va.

Hi Sharon

Thank you for your kind message and hope that you will find lots of useful information on raising chickens and organic gardening on our site.

We have several pages on raising chickens including how to treat chickens with natural home remedies, looking at certain illnesses like coccidiosis in chickens and even information on butchering chickens if you ever intend to eat them.

These are just some of our chicken pages, but there are a lot more.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have through our ask a homesteading question page and we will try and answer you as quickly as possible if we are able to help. Otherwise, I am sure that there are many listeners out there who are more than happy to share their knowledge and expertise.

All the best with your chickens!

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