Need a natural solution for Ash borer problem affecting ash trees.

Need a natural solution for Ash borer problem affecting ash trees.

by Bella
(Edinburg, TX)

I am in desperate need of a natural solution. My ash trees are declining at a rapid rate.
Also, is their a solution to support the trees while I am trying to kill the problem beastie. I have dealt with arborists throughout the country but they have not been very helpful.
Thank you for having the opportunity to ask you and most importantly for having such a spectacular and informative website.

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Oct 05, 2010
Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Ash Borer
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

The damage caused by the borer larvae disrupts the flow of nutrients between the tree's roots and leafy tops. This damage results in canopy thinning, branch die back, and eventually the tree will die. Larvae can destroy the ash trees within two to four years, but a heavy infestation could kill a tree in as little as one year.

There are several ways to try and solve this ever growing problem.

First of all wasps are a natural predator of the ash borer and therefore should be encouraged into your garden. See this link for more details.

Minnesota Public Radio News

Success has been found using a neem-based insecticide. The neem tree is grown in India and other tropical countries and is an organic pesticide with many uses, including being very effective against the ash borer.

There is a commercial product called TreeAzin which can be used on the ash trees quite safely which has been made from the seeds of the neem tree.

It is a systemic pesticide which is used to inject the ash trees and you only need to apply this to the trunk once a year.

You drill holes into the trunk at the base of the tree between 15 and 30 cm from the ground and at 15 cm intervals around the circumference of the trunk. Fill the holes with a maximum of 5ml of the neem solution per cm and the fill the holes afterwards with a sealant.

When it is all said and done, the ash borer is very difficult to get rid of, but if the soil is well manured, and healthy, the tree will also respond accordingly.

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