I have nasturtiums around my basil this spring, and what the heck was eating my basil?
I had to plant it in pots, and keep it off of the ground.
Last year, I had nasturtiums, and they were beautiful, and grew all over the place, but something was still eating my herbs and flowers, even my marigolds!?! (in the same bed).
Is this the only bug they keep away ...leaf miner, or can they keep away other bugs? Thank you, Chrissy.
Hi Chrissy,
As the article says, nasturtiums will keep away codling moth on apple trees, woolly aphids, aphids, mites and red spider mites.
Nasturtiums are good companion plants for radishes, tomatoes and squash.
It is quite possible that your basil and marigolds were being eaten by Japanese Beetles. If your marigolds were odorless, this would be the most likely culprit.
If you have acreage and lots of Japanese Beetles, get yourself some guinea fowl. They do a wonderful job of keeping down the insect population. However, if not, the only other method is to hand pick them and kill them, or hang commercially bought Japanese Beetle traps around your garden.
Hope that answers your question.
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