I live in a city apartment in the northeast. For my entire life, up until now, I have never been able to keep a plant alive. I even killed a terrarium, which is supposed to be a self sufficient ecosystem.
A year ago, I decided to eat organic food, after having read a lot about GMO's and the poisons in the food. I have to admit, the food tastes better, and I feel so much healthier.
A few weeks ago, I was looking through my food to make my list for food shopping, and noticed that two potatoes had several white sprouts coming out of the eyes. I surfed some websites and learned that there are urban farmers doing something called "container growing". Given my lack of plant talent, this was a new concept to me. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube, and saw that people were growing veggies in their small spaces.
So I cut the potatoes in chunks around the eyes, and left them out to dry under a dark container. I cut the the tops off of two gallon water containers, got some potting mix in the dollar store, and planted the potato chunks as I saw in the YouTube video.
Just five days later, I had sprouts! Then more sprouts grew every day. Before it got out of hand, I got a "grow bag" and transplanted them. To my amazement, they lived and kept growing. I have 33 plants now from those two potatoes, and already had to hill them after 2 weeks.
Inspired by this, I ordered some heirloom seeds and planted them in paper cups. Within one week, my windowsill is now a small urban farm! I have so many plants, and am so excited! So far, I have 3 Kentucky wonder, 7 orange danver carrots, 6 atomic red carrots, 5 Amarillo carrots, 5 Jaune onions, 5 bunching onions, 3 yellow onions, 2 basil, 1 oregano, 3 eggplant, 1 golden cal wonder pepper, 3 tomato plants, and 2 garlic!
I still have some seeds that did not germinate, but it is only a week, and I feel lucky to have even grown anything. Even if some of the plants don't survive, I will consider this a success since I planted seeds and got plants. My previous black thumb has turned green!
I can't wait until it is harvest time!
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