My Urban Farm

My Urban Farm

I live in a city apartment in the northeast. For my entire life, up until now, I have never been able to keep a plant alive. I even killed a terrarium, which is supposed to be a self sufficient ecosystem.

A year ago, I decided to eat organic food, after having read a lot about GMO's and the poisons in the food. I have to admit, the food tastes better, and I feel so much healthier.

A few weeks ago, I was looking through my food to make my list for food shopping, and noticed that two potatoes had several white sprouts coming out of the eyes. I surfed some websites and learned that there are urban farmers doing something called "container growing". Given my lack of plant talent, this was a new concept to me. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube, and saw that people were growing veggies in their small spaces.

So I cut the potatoes in chunks around the eyes, and left them out to dry under a dark container. I cut the the tops off of two gallon water containers, got some potting mix in the dollar store, and planted the potato chunks as I saw in the YouTube video.

Just five days later, I had sprouts! Then more sprouts grew every day. Before it got out of hand, I got a "grow bag" and transplanted them. To my amazement, they lived and kept growing. I have 33 plants now from those two potatoes, and already had to hill them after 2 weeks.

Inspired by this, I ordered some heirloom seeds and planted them in paper cups. Within one week, my windowsill is now a small urban farm! I have so many plants, and am so excited! So far, I have 3 Kentucky wonder, 7 orange danver carrots, 6 atomic red carrots, 5 Amarillo carrots, 5 Jaune onions, 5 bunching onions, 3 yellow onions, 2 basil, 1 oregano, 3 eggplant, 1 golden cal wonder pepper, 3 tomato plants, and 2 garlic!

I still have some seeds that did not germinate, but it is only a week, and I feel lucky to have even grown anything. Even if some of the plants don't survive, I will consider this a success since I planted seeds and got plants. My previous black thumb has turned green!

I can't wait until it is harvest time!

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Nov 02, 2014
From black to green thumb
by: Anonymous

That is a very funny story, and we identify with
it. we are still learning about what will grow and what won't grow in the southwest area of Florida.

Keep trying....and we want to hear how the potatoes fared, have you made potato soup yet with your harvest? Jane

Oct 06, 2011
by: Maura

You did great! Good for you for not giving up and for persevering...look at what you've accomplished! you did better than us this year and we live on a farm ;) Enjoy your produce once it's ready :)

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