My Homemade Smoker

My Homemade Smoker

by Pat Kelly
(Mattoon WI)

I bought an old ice box a couple of years ago just to make a smoker.

I removed the wood racks for the ice and placed wire racks in their stead then put a hot plate in the bottom of the box and ran the electric cord out the bottom where the water used to run out. Then an old 8 in cast iron frying pan I gave a dollar for and I had my smoker.

I put what ever type of meat I'm going to smoke on the upper rack and fill the frying pan with dry wood chips. I usually use apple or cherry.

I turn the hot plate on low, and close the door. I drilled a small hole through the side of the ice box near the top and pushed a steel thermometer into the hole to monitor the heat.
It works great.

I smoke fish, pork and beef and my neighbors love it when my wife and I have them over to sample the latest product.

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Mar 13, 2015
ice box smoker
by: Dana

This sounds like a fantastic idea. How did you vent it?

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