More on self reliant living

More on self reliant living

by Mia
(Navasota, Texas)

I was raised in the city but summers at my grandmas in the country where we shucked corn, hoed tobacco, learned to love cows and all sorts of animals.

I never thought my life episode would turn the way it has, but I have 8 homeschooled children, home birthed, use cloth diapers, we have a garden, milk goats, milk cows, raise chickens, and bees, and getting into ducks for eggs and meat as well.

And when my kiddos get sick, unless it's a broken bone, using my wonderful essential oils has ended up working more effectively and faster than going to the doctor when you know which are antibacterial, anti viral, anti-inflammatory etc...

I treat dog bites, earaches, sore throats, stomach aches, sleeplessness, teething, rashes, toothaches, etc..with my oils.

We don't have a TV connection, video games, kids run barefooted out in the sun all day. My territorial and possessive.

I am sure not raising materialistic people; I get"thank you mom!" over doing the simplest of things for them.

My 16 yr old son got bee-keeping equipment for his birthday, my niece got a Mercedes and she's 8 days younger than he is!

They've been exposed to enough where they even still all ages 19 and below, all appreciate that they're not handed everything that I COULD hand them.

Most kids' problems these days is from over indulgence, even the poor kids. My kids wont be tied down by a love of THINGS. They love the Lord, and I'm blessed by that!

You sound as if you have a lovely family, Mia, and very blessed.

Countryfarm Lifestyles

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