Marriage To Outsiders

Marriage To Outsiders

by Mary

I've heard that supposedly Amish men are allowed to marry English women, so long as the woman becomes Amish, but Amish women aren't allowed to marry English men. Is this true?

Traditionally Amish people are expected to marry other Amish people within their community or from other Amish settlements.

However Amish men can marry English girls but they run the risk of being shunned by their community.

The woman would have to become Amish and she would be treated with suspicion for many years and being fully accepted would be difficult for her, and although not insurmountable the path would not be easy.

The Amish live an extremely conservative lifestyle. The girls are kept very close to their mothers growing up and the only chance of meeting an English boy would be during Rumspringa as she would not get a chance to meet English boys at any other time. Not all girls go on Rumspringa.

It would be extremely unlikely that she would push for marriage as knows that she would be shunned by her family and would be excluded from the community on a permanent basis. As a result, Amish women don't marry English men.

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