Lamb wont suck any teats
by Jan Mostyn
(Kurrajong, NSW, Australia)
I'm hand raising a Suffolk Ram lamb which is now one week old. I've been using a new lamb milk replacer, the problem is that because he was so weak initially, we had to syringe the milk down his throat and we are still doing this as he wont suck on any of the many different teats we have offered him. He sucks for about 30 seconds then gives up.
He still looks very thin, backbone and hips stick out but is growing taller with huge feet. He is not active, he spends the day with his Mum and the other mums and lambs but I take him in at night to give him a late night feed and an early morning feed. I'm feeding him 4 to 5 times a day
Its a struggle to get 400 mls per day into him and worries me that he should really be having more. Does anyone have any suggestions for me as I would hate to lose him now after all my hard work.
He is 5 days old in this pic
Kind regards
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