Winter Gardening is Possible when you have an Indoor Garden

Winter is the time to get gardening. We all get the winter blues. With today's food scares and GMO plants, it's nice to know where your food comes from.

Many people think they can't plant gardens in their home. This just isn't true. An outside garden your goal is to grow a lot of crops to put up for later use. The indoor garden is more for every day, or once a week use, so it doesn't have to be large, or produce nearly as much.

What can you Grow in an Indoor Garden?

Indoor Lettuces

If you have room for a cat litter box, you have room for an indoor lettuce garden. Use a nice winter mix that can handle a bit less light and cooler temperatures. In just a few weeks you will have a sustainable supply of greens.

Growing lettuces indoors
Lettuces growing inside under the window

Indoor Strawberries

Take a window box and plant hanging edible plants. I like grapes and strawberries for an indoor garden as they are pretty and produce for a period of time.

Indoor Herb Garden

Herbs are also a good house plant. Rather then house plants you can't eat, start thinking in terms of what you can use in your pots. You will soon be amazed at what you can grow.

Indoor herb garden growing under grow lights
Strawberries and Herbs growing Indoors under Growlights

In the fall I buy a starter mushroom kit from Fungi Perfect. They are very easy to grow. Then, in the spring, I transplant them outside. Over the years I have added 12 kinds of mushrooms to my yard that have maintained themselves for years, some as long as 20yrs and are still going.

Shitake mushroom kits
Shitake Mushroom Kits

It's not hard to spend those cold winter days gardening in a warm house. The hardest part is picking out what you want to grow.

By Gypsy, our resident homestead blogger from One Sky Ranch

Gypsy's Wanderings Homestead Blog

What a wonderful article on having an indoor garden by Gypsy! It certainly inspires me to start growing a couple of things inside too! And what an excellent idea regarding transplanting the mushrooms outside in the fall!

I thought that I would also add to this article. On our Facebook Page one of our readers wrote in and asked us if you could grow tomatoes indoors. Our reply can be found here.

Happy indoor gardening! With the big freeze this winter, it is not too late to start growing some greens and vegetables inside your homes. We hope you start your indoor gardens soon!

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