I'm having trouble
by Bryon
I've tried making moonshine three times, all the same results.
I've let the mash ferment two week to one day, I've used cake yeast to beer yeast. It all looks the same has that stale beer smell. I've distilled it and the checked it with the hygrometer, the hygrometer says o% Alcohol.
I'm using 5 lb of sugar and I've used a pound of corn meal to a cup to nothing.
I've read some people are distilling their mash twice. I'm not sure that will work. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!
You have the right ingredients for making shine, but there is no mention of whether you added any malt to your recipe. This is an important ingredient for making moonshine.
The traditional way of making malt for shine was to use sprouting corn. For full instructions you can see the article entitled A Complete Guide to Moonshine.
You need to have the right ratio of sugar to cornmeal. For every pound of cornmeal, use 2 pounds of sugar.
Make sure that your yeast is fresh, otherwise you will not get the fermentation process working properly.
All the best!
Countryfarm Lifestyles
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