I'm am English with a question about the Amish

I'm am English with a question about the Amish

If we know an Amish family, what is the proper way to express our sympathies. We live a long way from them and we are not sure what is proper. We also do not want to offend.

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Jan 28, 2011
Amish death
by: Anonymous

If you live a long way from them a simple but heartfelt note is always a good way to go.

Jan 24, 2011
Visiting Amish after a Death
by: Countryfarm Lifestyles

Your visit would be welcomed and appreciated if it is done in a sensitive manner.

I am not sure when the death occured, but it would be appropriate to pay your respects at anytime, although as you will see from the article, Sundays are the favoured days.

Wear black or dark clothing and take a homemade pie or a plate of cookies over when you pay your respects.

There is no need to stay too long, but if you are invited in for tea, have a cuppa and then stay a short while before you take your leave.

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