by Jennifer

Homemade peanut butter is easier to make than you think.

When peanuts have been blanched, are cold, dry and crisp, run them through a food chopper. Do not use the very finest cutter, as that makes a soft mass. Or they may be crushed with a rolling pin.

Season with salt, spread on thinly-sliced, buttered bread. They make excellent sandwiches.

Or run peanuts through food chopper which has an extra fine cutter especially for this purpose.

The peanuts are then a thick, creamy mass. Thin this with a small quantity of olive oil, or melted butter, if preferred. Season with salt and you have "peanut butter," which, spread on slices of buttered bread, makes a delicious sandwich, and may frequently take the place of meat sandwiches.

Nuts, when added to salads, bread or cake, add to their food value.

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