Holstein/dexter cross
by Michele
(Conroe, Tx)
holstein/dexter cross
I recently had the opportunity to buy a 5 month-old bull and heifer that originally came from a local dairy. Not culls. They are dexter/holstein crosses.
The person I am buying them from had something happen that he could not keep them. I am wondering what to expect with milk production?
They both came from a milking herd. The plan is to breed them together, for they are not related and then steer him for beef.
Does anyone have experience with this cross and have any idea about end size and milk production? I would be most appreciative for any help.
I don't have any personal experience with a Holstein - Dexter cross, hut was wondering if your cross breed is from a full Holstein or a miniature Holstein. Miniature Holsteins will produce 2-3 gallons of milk a day.
Full Holsteins are excellent milkers, producing on average, 7 gallons (28 liters) of milk a day. That is a lot of milk, so I hope you are going to make a lot of cheese and ice cream!
The Dexter, being a smaller cow, doesn't necessarily mean that they are bad milkers, they aren't. They are not as productive as the full Holstein, but produce the same as the miniature Holsteins, giving you on average, at the height of the milking season, 2-3 gallons a day.
So I hope that that will give you some indication as to what you could expect from your Holstein-Dexter cross cows with regards to milk production.
I am sure that there are other readers out there who have personal experience with this cattle breed that can give you better advice.
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