Growing Asparagus from
Seed, Crowns, Health Benefits and How to Cook

Harvested Asparagus Spears
asparagus is easier than you
think. With these simple tips on how to grow asparagus from seeds or
crowns right in your own
backyards, it will be even easier!
With good soil preparation and care, you can harvest asparagus
for more than 20 years. One family I knew was harvesting from the same
plants 50 years on! Asparagus growing isn't difficult, but you do have
to be patient.
is a perennial and it does take a while before you can harvest
your first crop and
really you won't have a good harvest until your plants have been
growing for at least 4-5 years. This is why I say you have to be
patient, but in the end, it is worth the wait!
So how many do you need to plant? For
each family member plant 10 plants. Ideally, no cutting should take
place until the 3rd spring. Plants will take 5 years before they are in
full production. If you have set out your asparagus beds well from the
as mentioned earlier, you will be able to harvest for many
years from the same plants.
Asparagus and Planting by the Moon
to plant vegetables, as well as during the
month for
by the moon.
For planting by the moon for asparagus, planting and sowing is done
during the full moon phase.
Growing Asparagus from Seed
Both asparagus seeds and
crowns can be planted in
late winter or early spring when the frosts have finished.
Asparagus seed is highly viable and germinates easily under the right
conditions. Germinate the seeds first in a seedling tray in a
warm and protected area like a hothouse or a cold-frame, or sow in open
ground during spring, after the frosts have gone.
Keep the seedlings moist and be patient
as they may take some time to shoot. When growing asparagus from seed
in this way, they can remain where they are for the first 2 years
before they are transplanted out as they will not produce any spears
before then.
In order to speed the process of
germination soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before planting.
you do plant asparagus seeds, during the 18 months to 2 year growth
discard those plants which produce berries, because shoots of
female plants are slender and tough.
If you sow seed in spring, plants
can be moved to the production beds a year from the following fall.
Growing Asparagus by Crowns
high quality strains of asparagus are available from local nurseries
and from mail order specialists. You can buy one or two year old
plants. But buy those that plants only if they are fresh, with crowns
showing signs of life and with almost pencil-thick roots which are
crisp and brittle, not limp and rubbery.
It is sometimes
difficult to buy fresh, top quality asparagus plants, and so therefore
you may wish to buy asparagus seed to grow plants in a seed bed before
moving them to the production beds.
When you buy asparagus
crowns that are
already 2 years old it will give you a crop a lot faster. Prepare the
soil but digging a trench in the bed to a depth of 30 cm and place the
crowns 30-45 cm apart.
Surround your asparagus crowns with well-rotted manure
and a good, light soil allowing for the shoots to push through easily.
The crowns should be
buried about 7.5
- 12 cm under the soil. However,
make sure that your soil is warm and that you don't over water the soil
so that the crowns rot.
Cover the asparagus crowns after you have set them out with the thick
spread horizontally around each crown. Then cover them with remaining
fill soil.
30-45 cm between
1.2 meters
between rows,
although if space is a problem you can
space the rows closer together without too much of a problem at 60 cm.
Water well while growing asparagus and
as the
plants grow, more manure and soil should be added to the plants until
the soil is level with the surrounding ground.
By continuing to hill
the soil around the asparagus plants in the early spring the shoots
will have to
push through about 15 cm of soil. At the time of harvest the stems will
be largely white rather than the green stems that will emerge if you
don't hill the soil.
Best Growing Conditions -
Climate and Soil
Growing asparagus from
either asparagus seeds or asparagus crowns
successfully means
that your climate should be in an area where the winters are cold and
the summers are hot, although it dislikes heavy frosts.
They love free
draining, light soil that has had generous quantities of organic matter
added before planting. The soil should have a pH value of 6.5 - 7.
higher than this and you should add lime to your soil to get the pH
level right. They like an open and sunny site which is preferably
north-facing and protected from strong winds.
each family member plant 10 plants. Ideally, no cutting should take
place until the 3rd spring. Plants will take 5 years before they are in
full production. If you have set out your beds well from the beginning,
as mentioned earlier, you will be able to harvest asparagus for 20
years or more from the same plants.
Cultivating Asparagus

For the first two years of your plants'
lives there won't be too much foliage to worry about. However, when it
does start appearing, don't cut it as this will affect abundance of
your asparagus
crop. Cutting the foliage can only be done in the winter when the plant
is resting.
Continue to keep the asparagus beds moist making
sure that they never dry out. Any weeds that appear should be removed
by hand so as not to damage the shoots in any way.
Every year, during spring, when growing
asparagus it should be fed with a good fertilizer such as seaweed, and
the autumn the soil should be mulched with a good layer of well-rotted
manure which should be watered in well.
During autumn or winter when the
foliage has turned yellow it can be cut down to within 3 inches of the
ground. Make sure that the foliage is cut down before the berries start
dropping to the ground. If they have already done so these should be
removed by hand to prevent them from germinating.
raking will destroy germinating weed seeds. Plan to fertilize asparagus
beds in late spring, after cutting stops, and again in midsummer, with
a high nitrogen fertilizer like seaweed.
If you are able,
in early summer, always apply a deep mulch of barnyard
rake into broad mounds over the rows after the tops have been cut down
in the fall.
Growing Asparagus with
Companion Plants
- Basil
- Chives
- Marjoram
- Parsley
- Tomatoes
When to Harvest Asparagus
you wish to have thick spears make sure that the ground is well-manured
and trample the earth down every day. This prevents the asparagus from
coming up too quickly.
Asparagus should not be harvested in
the first season after planting out the crowns. In the second spring
they should only be picked for 3-4 weeks after the spears first appear,
and then very sparingly. In fact it would be best if you only picked
one spear off each crown during this season.
When the plants are 4
years old you
extend the harvesting season to 4 weeks of the year.
When the plants have reached maturity
in year 5, and thereafter, the spears
can be picked for 6-8 weeks
during the season.
Cut the asparagus spears
with a curved knife
about 3 inches below the surface when the spears are about 5 inches
long and while the tip buds are still tightly closed. These will be
tender and succulent. If you leave them any longer
you will risk them being very woody.
Always stop cutting in late spring so
as to allow the plants to rest. The new asparagus spears which appear
after the
end of the cutting season in spring are allowed to develop fully, the
stems being cut off at ground level and removed in late autumn after
they have died back.
Some growers gradually remove all the female plants and replace them
with male plants to achieve bigger yields.
Conclusion on Growing
Growing asparagus takes
great patience
and it is not a quick cropping vegetable like radishes or rocket.
However, if you learn how to grow asparagus properly, and take care
with soil preparation and growing asparagus according to our
guidelines, your patience will be justly rewarded for many years to
Questions and Answers for Asparagus
Q. What
causes my asparagus spears to have loose heads?
A. When the weather turns
hot, the growing point expands
rapidly and the bracts (modified green leaves) are spread by the early
development of the stems and ferns. The asparagus is safe to eat
because only the appearance is affected.
Q. Early
spring freezes caused the asparagus
spears in my garden to turn brown and wither. Are they safe to eat?
A. Frozen tips should be
picked and thrown away. These spears,
although not poisonous, are off-flavor.
Q. Can I
start asparagus from seed?
A. Yes. You can grow your
own asparagus plants by
planting seeds 1/2
inch deep and 2 inches apart in the row. Start the seeds in the spring
when the soil temperatures have reached 60ºF. Dig the plants the
following spring, before growth begins and transplant them to the
permanent bed as soon as the garden can be worked. Growing your own
plants delays establishment of your bed an additional year, but it
ensures that you are starting with freshly dug crowns that have not
lost vigor by being dug, stored and shipped. Also, variety selection is
usually much greater when shopping for seeds rather than crowns.
Q. What
causes crooked spears?
A. Asparagus spears grow
quickly and are sensitive to
mechanical injury from cultivation or cutting tools, insects or
wind-blown soil particles. Injured areas grow slowly so that the rapid
growth on the opposite side causes spears to curve toward the injured
side. The cause of flattened (faciated) spears is unknown.
Health Benefits of Asparagus
Today, asparagus is considered a superfood, but for thousands
of years, our ancestors already knew about the health benefits of this
little plant.
Loaded with Vitamins C and B6, folic acid, rutin, and potassium for
good heart function, asparagus plants also contain asparagine
which is very important for both bladder and prostate health and pectin
which helps lower cholesterol levels. Because it is high in iron, it is
also good food for those suffering from anemia.
How to Cook Asparagus
This is a delicate vegetable, especially the green shoots, that are
best either steamed, lightly boiled in salted water, or roasted. Any
way you do them make sure that they are still crisp, rather than limp
and soggy.
In preparing them, if they are green, you usually do not have to do
anything else to them, other than rinsing and placing them in the
steamer. However, the white spears are thicker and tougher, and
sometimes can be woody, if you don't trim the ends.
The best way to do this is to hold the asparagus spear in one hand and
just grab the bottom of the end and snap back. Wherever it breaks, will
usually be the place where it is the most tender.
Place the spears above the break into your pots, and chop up the
snapped off ends and freeze for later use in soups or stews.
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