Feeding Lambs

Feeding Lambs

by Catherine
(England )

Alice, our North Ronaldsay lamb, was fed every three hours as a wee one, and then now at three weeks of age is on 250ml 3-4 times a day.

He takes what he wants but often doesn't take the whole 250.

In all honesty, i think that 700ml in one go is just unnatural.

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Jun 03, 2014
water to powder ratio in feeding lambs
by: Anonymous

You can give your lamb 160g of powder to 1 litre of milk. Kids (baby goats) 140g to the litre.

All the best

May 24, 2012
Water Milk Replacement Ratio for Lambs
by: Anonymous

Hi I just got given a baby lamb and I was given milk powder for it but didn't get the measurements for the powder to water ratio. I was wondering if you might be able to help me?

I take it that you have a milk replacement for lambs. You will need to mix 1 part dry mixture to 2 parts water.

All the best!

Countryfarm Lifestyles

Apr 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

I think it too the amount to feed orphan lambs will depend on the breed of lamb. I have a week old lamb who is already up to taking 350mls in one go.


I keep on saying this. We all think that we need to feed our orphan lambs more than we need to which inevitably leads to scours.

Obviously, common sense also needs to prevail, and only you can tell whether your lamb needs more or less than the suggested amounts of replacement feed.

However, it is always better to err on the side of feeding your orphan lambs less, rather than more, if you don't want a whole lot of digestive troubles which could ultimately end with your lamb dying.

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