Your free Farm Forum - your meeting place to talk about issues regarding your farm, ranch or homestead, or just farming in general. This farming forum is also for people who love country living and would like to contribute. You can use this ag. forum to ask advice if you have farming problems or help others out with their farming issues.
"A trouble shared, is a trouble halved" and in this free homesteading and farming forum you can do just that. Hopefully, you will be able to make contact with people in your country, province and county and seek help through the forum.
A Brand New Farm Forum has been created through a dedicated host. You can find the new forum here! Click on the picture below for the forum page.
your farm photos and brag about your farm. Who are our readers
and where do they farm. I know that as I write this 36% of my readers
come from the States and Canada, the rest come from the UK and South
Africa and other countries around the world. No matter where you live, show
us your farm!
I am sure you have a farming story to share whether it is one of sorry and joy we all have a story inside of us. You don't have to be another Shakespeare and it doesn't have to be very long either. Just write from the heart and tell us your story. If you want to tell us about your farm you can do that too, and even send us a picture! Tell us your Farming Story.
Have you been on farm holiday where you had the best vacation ever? Tell us all about your holiday and why it was special for you? Was it on a ranch or a farm? Was it on a private game farm in Africa? All farming accommodation is included around the world. So use the farming forum to write about your best farm holiday. We are dying to know!
We all like to brag about our favourite
shopping haunts. So where are the best farms and why do you think that
their farm shop, farmers' market or country market you patronize is the
best? Come and tell us where and why and see if others agree. Where can
you find the the
best farms for farm food?
Are you concerned about our food these
days or do you think that most people are paranoid due to media hype?
If you have an opinion about this food issue we would love to see which
side of the fence you are on. So use the farming forum to share your
opinion on
How Safe is your Food?
Sharing is a way of saying, "Thanks!"
New! Comments
Do you have something of value to add? Leave me a comment in the box below.