fruit trees are ideal for small spaces. They spread their
branches in a
ten-foot circle and can reach a height of 8-10 feet. As a
you can plant several of these miniature fruit trees in an area that
you would normally only plant 1 tree. You can also easily
reach the fruit to pick and eat, to use in
food preparations, or to preserve.
The ideal
growing conditions for these miniature fruit trees are full sun
well-drained, fertile soil. However, a half-day of sun is also fine.
Fruit trees will do well in soil where most crops fail, and ordinary
drainage is adequate.
Planting your Dwarf Fruit Trees
Planting your trees correctly and getting them off to a good start will
influence their future
success. Plant the tree as soon as possible after you have bought it.
For any temporary storage, place moistened in a cool, dark
place. If you are going to store your fruit trees longer than 10 days,
lay the tree down in a shady place and cover the roots with moist
If you have at least a partially prepared hole ahead
of time, you need to make sure that it is wide and deep enough to avoid
crowding the roots and of a depth so that the graft (where the changes
or trunk is slightly offset) is easily above the ground. If grafted
portion (and above) is underground, it can put forth roots and develop
into a standard size trees.
Soak the dwarf tree roots in a trash can or another large container for
minimum of two hours and a maximum of 24 hours before planting. Place a
tree in the hole, carefully surrounding the roots with fine topsoil,
mixed with up to 1/3 peat. Add some well-rotten farmyard manure as well
as a handful of bone meal to the hole.
Tramp down to avoid air pockets, fill hole to 2
inches below ground level. Water the tree, giving a deep thorough
watering. Finish filling the hole to ground level.
To protect tender bark from rabbits and mice, wind
20 inch plastic spiral, made for this purpose, around the trunk from
the ground up. Pile sawdust around the base.
About an inch of rainfall every 10
days or so is
adequate. But in dry weather, a good soaking with a slow trickling
garden hose is beneficial. A soaking every 10 days or 2 weeks is
enough, and generally, it is not necessary after the first growing
season except in areas dependent upon irrigation for normal plant
Keep soil on the surface worked up loosely in spring
and in the summer cover with 4 – 6 inches mulch. Remove mulch in later
fall or early winter. Fertilize regularly until the first week of July,
then allow new growth to mature before the frost. Any suckers that
appear near the ground should be cut off.
Growing dwarf fruit trees come in a number of
varieties and
you can choose apples, apricots, peaches, pears, nectarines, cherries
and plums.
Check with you nurseryman to see what fruit trees
will grow in your climate zone and which trees need companions for
Advantages of Growing Dwarf Fruit Trees
Dwarf fruit trees usually begin to bear one to three years sooner than
standard-size trees. They rarely grow more than 10 feet which allows
you to harvest your fruit a lot easier than full-sized trees. They are
also heavy bearers despite their size. My favorite miniature fruit
tree is called the Fruit Salad tree which has a number of different
fruits grafted on to one tree - perfect for that patio or balcony where
spaces are small.
They are also easier to prune, train, spray, thin, pick and protect
from frost and birds. and as mentioned above, ideal for growing in
small spaces.
If you have a backyard where you would only be able to plant 3 or 4
standard trees, in its place you could grow 40 - 50 dwarf fruit trees.
For those of you who have a quarter of an acre, where you would be able
to grow less than 12 standard fruit trees in such an area, you would be
able to grow 300 - 500 miniature fruit trees.
If you have just a small garden of flowers and shrubs, miniature fruit
trees are ideal to grow in amongst the flower beds.
If you live in a rented property and you plant fruit trees you don't
know always how long you will be renting for. As a result, planting
miniature fruit trees is the answer as they will invariably bear in the
second year of planting.
For many of us who erect fences around our property we often look to
the types of hedges or shrubs we could grow to hide the ugly metal.
Miniature fruit trees are ideal for this, especially trees that grow
upright such as pears or plums. Growing dwarf fruit trees upright, two
feet apart soon creates the perfect screen.
Disadvantages of Growing Dwarf Fruit Trees
Propagating dwarf fruit trees is not an easy exercise, as a result,
the trees themselves are more expensive than standard fruit trees. This
is especially seen when you want to plant a lot of them as a hedge or
in an orchard.
Some dwarf fruit trees have a very poorly developed root system and
may need staking or trellising, especially if you live in a windy area.
Therefore, the value of pruning at planting
time should not be underestimated. The tree lost many feeder roots when
dug at the nursery, but the top is still full size and not in balance
with the roots. Pruning stimulates growth and shapes the tree and
should be done, just as one would prune standard species.
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