by cheryl
(Bloomingdale Michigan)
Can you tell me what the reason could be? I know they molt but shouldn't that be done? They look very well and healthy. Just no eggs. They are Pekin ducks.
Cheryl, ducks stop laying for a number of reasons; stress, heat, molting, as you have already mentioned, change in diet, going broody, getting too fat, too old etc.
However, your ducks are still young so that is not an issue here. As you have mentioned your ducks were molting, and I think that this is the problem. Some ducks barely stop laying while they are molting while others won't lay for up to 4 months afterwards.
So, if you have hit the 3 month mark, hopefully you only have another 4 weeks or so to go before they start laying for you. Be patient, I think you may be concerned for nothing.
Give them access to plenty of greens, and a balanced diet, and they should be back to laying in no time.
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