dirty bottoms
by susan
(south wales )
My chickens are not laying. I have no idea what's wrong with them, and some of them have dirty bottoms.
I feed them layers and greens and they free range all day. Can anyone help as my three pullets have also stopped laying and none of them are molting.
Susan, 2 things that will give you an indication that your chickens are not well are dirty bottoms and no eggs.
Dirty bottoms on your chickens mean that there is a digestive problem going on and that your chickens have diarrhea. You will need to address this first, the egg laying will follow once they are better.
Feed your chickens yogurt every day with some chopped garlic, and put a small amount of organic apple cider vinegar with the culture into the drinking water on a daily basis.
You can also help your chickens with their diarrhea by adding a half tablespoon of Epsom salts to their feed.
To get the chickens back up to laying, encourage them by cutting down lots of nettle and giving them free access to this very important egg-laying plant. This is the very best weed for encouraging egg-laying and works a treat, even during winter.
Keep their cage clean, and don't feed your chickens citrus or potato peelings as these can all cause diarrhea in chickens.
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