Counterfeiting Aging in Making Moonshine

Counterfeiting Aging in Making Moonshine

by georgeodjungle
(reno, nv)

How to you counterfeit aging in making moonshine? simple!
by freezing & thawing
each cycle = about 1 year
your just speeding up the migration cycle of the charred & oak flavors
so in 25 days you've got 25 year old gooood stuff
if you like that kind of thing

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Feb 17, 2013
Distress aging Moonshine
by: Anonymous

80 proof does freeze in my chest freezer, at -25 degrees. You don't freeze in a cask, you use a unbreakable container or leave enough room in the bottle, jug for the ice expansion.

Use charred oak cubes,spirals or chips available at home brew sites, they use them in beer and wine.

Distress aging whiskey does not actually 'age' it but helps make it take on the good oaky flavors and color much quicker.

A more proper way is to use small casks. Traditional bourbon barrels hold about 53 gallons. A 5.3 gallon barrel of the same proportions has more than twice the wood surface area per gallon, and would take half as long to take on flavor.

There are more things going on in the barrel than just taking on flavor when it comes to aging that cannot be substituted with anything other than time.

Dec 07, 2011
Alcohol and Moonshine
by: tcwp

alcohol freezes at close to -170 degrees farenheit. so how exactly is this being done.

Apr 28, 2011
More info please on Counterfeiting Aging in Making Moonshine
by: Anonymous

I understand the premise ... back and forth through charred oak ... so you are freezing it in an oak cask? ... Are you adding water to allow freezing?

What proof are you freezing? It seems to me that freezing an oak charred cask with a high enough water content would cause problems with the cask and result in a leak.

1) what quantity are you freezing?
2) what are you freezing it in?
3) what proof?
4) time frozen
5) time thawed (room temp?)

I am a novice but there just isn't enough info here.

Thanks for responding.

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