Continued feeding of rejected lamb
by Sue
(ST. Croix, VI)
I've been feeding a lamb rejected by it's mother for 3 weeks. The university extention program called me to foster after it forced the mother to nurse. The lamb got that initial colostrum and has been on store-bought lamb replacement.
Problem: The ext. center provided me with some replacement, but I need more and no feed shoppe carries it.
Is the lamb old enough to be raised on pasteurized cow's milk?
Note: lamb had several normal movements in the first two days into adoption - rice shaped and very sticky.
Since then he has had diarrhea. I have watered down the formula; giving him 2.5 x as much water to .5 the formula. He drinks about 1.5 L per day to 1 cup formula.
Suggestions? PS he's growing, active, and always hungry.
The main problem with raising orphan lambs is that they are very susceptible to scours, or diarrhea.
You cannot use cow's milk to feed orphan lambs. It is just doesn't suit their systems. If you have access to goats milk, you can rear orphan lambs successfully.
If not, you will need to get a milk replacer and he should be having 700ml feeds 3 times a day until he is 4 weeks old, and then, as he matures you need to cut back so that hem only has 500ml twice day. Overfeeding lambs milk leads to scours.
If your lamb is 3 weeks old now he should have access to water, hay and grass.
Let us know how you get on!
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