This chicken recipe has always been a firm favorite, and occasionally I will pull out all the stops and debone the chicken as well, but then that is only when the spirit moves, and that hasn't happened of late.
Anyway, back to a meal that has traditionally been served for Sunday lunches and remember that a free-range bird will make all the difference. One word of warning to novice cooks - if you are buying a bird from the local supermarket, don't forget to take out the giblets from the body cavity. These are usually found inside the cavity, in a plastic bag. A friend once, who didn't know they were there, cooked the chicken as is, and served up the bird to her new mother-in-law! Now, if she had stuffed the bird, she would have known they were there!
1 chicken, 1.8 kg
3 T oil
60 g butter
Stuffing2 Cups soft breadcrumbs
1 shallot or small onion, chopped
60 g butter
2 T chopped celery
1 T chopped walnuts
4 T chopped bacon
1 small egg, beaten
Salt and Pepper to taste
Turn the oven on to 190°C. Wash and pat-dry the chicken. Mix the oil and butter together and rub into the chicken skin. Lightly season.
In a pan melt the butter and fry the onion and bacon until soft. Remove and place in a small bowl and mix the rest of the ingredients together. Add enough of the beaten egg to just bind the mixture together. Stuff the body cavity with the mixture. If you have any left-over stuffing, carefully loosen the skin around the breast area and place the stuffing under the loosened skin.
Bake in the oven for about an hour and a half, or until the juices run clear when pierced with a skewer. Serve with roast potatoes and vegetables of your choice.
Now see what other easy chicken recipes we have for you.Now add about a half a cup of cold water to the dish
and stir vigorously to get rid of any lumps and to get those tasty
brown bits off the bottom of the dish. Add more cold water if
necessary. You only want to add enough cold water to get rid of the
lumps, nothing else.
Now add half a chicken stock cube dissolved in another half cup of water, but this time the water should be boiled first. Add to the gravy mixture and heat slowly over a low heat. If you need to add any more water to thin your gravy out, take it from your cooked vegetables. This will add vitamins to your gravy that would otherwise, go down the drain. Season to taste and serve.
Now I am
not a curry girl. I
don't understand how people can
enthuse over a dish that is so hot that it is paralyzes the larynx and
the effects can be felt for days on end, if you know what I mean! But
this chicken recipe is wonderful!
It is creamy and gorgeous with more taste and flavour than heat, looks like you have slaved away in the kitchen all day, and the best part of all, is that it is an easy chicken recipe that never fails to impress.
2 large onions, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
12,5 ml each melted butter and oil
2 apples, peeled and chopped
25 g (50 ml) flour
25 ml curry powder (15 g)
10 ml ground corriander
5 ml tumeric
5 ml sugar
1 litre chicken stock
1 kg cooked, shredded chicken
40 g coconut (125 ml)
75 g seeless raisins (125 ml)
1 carton thick cream / yogurt / Or sour cream
1/2 Cup corriander leaves, chopped
1/2 Cup toasted almonds
Fry the onions and the garlic in the butter and oil
Add the apples, flour, curry powder, ground corriander, tumeric and sugar.
Slowly add the chicken stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cooked chicken, coconut, seedless raisins and heat thoroughly, but gently. Taste for seasoning, then stir in enough cream, or yogurt or sour cream to give the right bite and consistency to your dish. Stir through the corriander leaves, and sprinkle with toasted almonds. Serve with boiled white rice.
The dish is so named for its wonderful sauce that reminds one of autumn days and leaves of gold.
1 kg chicken pieces
200 ml fluid yoghurt
100 ml thick cream
1 large onion, chopped
5 ml ground corriander
10 ml tumeric
2 ml salt
1 clove of garlic, crushed
12,5 ml chutney
25 ml cornflour (12 g)
5 ml sugar
Take the chicken pieces and place them in a shallow baking dish. Grind black pepper over the chicken to taste. Prick well with a fork and rub the pepper in. Re-arrange and place chicken, skin side down.
Mix the rest of the ingredients together and pour over the chicken. Dish should be small enough so that all pieces are covered completely. Cover with foil and marinate in the fridge for up to 8 hours. Remove from fridge an hour before cooking. Heat oven to 135°C (275°F) and bake covered, on the middle shelf for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Remove chicken to serving platter with slotted spoon. Thicken the sauce with 12,5 ml - 25 ml cornflour creamed with 25 ml chicken stock. Add salt if necessary. Reheat to the boil, and pour over chicken. Scatter with toasted almonds. Serve with rice.
Easy chicken recipes for casseroles can be rather uninteresting. This one, however, is the Rolls Royce of Casserole recipes with rich cream, mushrooms and asparagus, it is a real winner with both friends and family on those cold winter nights.
1.5 kg chicken
1 x 400g can asparagus pieces
200 g mushrooms, sliced
1 small onion, chopped
100 ml milk
250 ml white wine
60 ml butter
60 g flour
75 ml cream
2 ml English mustard
2 small bay leaves
sprig of thyme and parsley
salt and pepper to taste
Place chicken, breast side down in a deep tin baking dish and add wine, seasonings, herbs and onion. Cover and bake in moderate oven for 1.5 hours or until tender and cooked.
Remove chicken from liquid in pan and set aside, keeping warm. Remove liquid and place in a jug to use later.
Put the tin on the top of the stove and add the butter to melt. Remove from heat and add flour. Mix well. Now add the reserved chicken liquid from the jug. Make sure there are no lumps.
Open tinned asparagus and reserved liquid. Add enough milk to make 500 ml. Add to liquid in the tin. Boil until thick.
In the mean time fry the sliced mushrooms in a little butter. Add to the thicken gravy. Also add the asparagus pieces, the mustard and the cream. Heat through gently and season to taste.
Carve chicken into joints and place in serving dish. Pour gravy over chicken and serve with mashed potatoes and vegetables of your choice.
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