Chicken Keeping

Chicken Keeping

by Maureen
(CapeTown South Africa)

I so enjoyed reading your website on homesteading - Countryfarm Lifestyles on raising chickens. I live in South Africa and intend obtaining about 16 chickens as soon as I have my ground and coop prepared for them with perches and nest boxes.

The breeds I fancy are Rhode Island Reds, Potchefstroom Koekoeks (an indigenous SA breed, bred from White Leghorn, Australorp and Barred Rock) and also a couple of Light Sussex pullets and a RIR Cockerel.

My intention is to breed a few auto-sexed chicks to increase my stock if need be. I have always grown vegies for the needs of my family and in the past and rotated my chickens between three runs. Never ever have I bought manures, compost or pesticides.

Now, in these days of going green and soaring costs, that is the way to go and I only wish more people would get back to doing the same thing.

Kind regards,

and Thank you once again for your very helpful website.

Maureen Docherty


Thanks for the submission on keeping chickens, Maureen. I removed your email address so that you are not spammed.

We wish you well with your plan in keeping chickens. 16 chickens will give you a lot of eggs, so hopefully you will be able to sell off those excess eggs to make some pin money sometime in the future.

At the moment I have 5 rescued battery leghorns which I have had for 2 weeks now. They have been spoiled rotten with greens, corn and grains, along with laying mash and are finally regaining their feathers. Their combs and wattles are slowly getting more color and looking more perky. Hopefully, your chickens, when you get them will be in far better condition!

Least to say they still haven't repaid me in eggs yet, but they will once they have settled in and look more beautiful!

All the best!

Countryfarm Lifestyles

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Feb 21, 2015
Indigineous chicken
by: Anonymous

Hi! Thanks for great information u re feeding us with. I want to start indigenous chicken farm here in Tanzania and go big , to breed different breeds of chicken and thanks for great variety you have given us on different types chicken.
My question is how you can help me get chicken or eggs here to Tanzania ? Are there commercial indigenous chicken farmers who can offer me ideas?

I suggest you have a look at this site:

They are an organization who should be able to help you in your quest for indigenous chickens. Just remember though, although these local chickens will be hardy, they may not always be the best layers.


Nov 29, 2014
Cochin bantam chickens & guineas in the yard
by: Birds on the Mind

We have 3 guineas that only tonight roosted in the trees. We have to be careful as these are young birds, just out of protected housing. They joined the adults & seem happy to have fun in the yard.

We have active hunting cats so the guineas had to be big enough to stand up to a cat before becoming free range.

We also have 2 dozen Cochin bantam chickens. They are friendly, tough,(but our climate is warm), and smart. Hawks are our worst predators. Cochins are a nice breed.

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