Charcoal for treating Coccidiosis

Charcoal for treating Coccidiosis

by Ogazi E
(Abakaliki Ebonyi State Nigeria)

Thanks for your step to step handling of the Coccidiosis.

It is a stubborn disease that invaded my poultry farm and killed my birds. Drugs could not do any thing till I ground charcoal and mixed it into their feed ration. Wonderfully the watery white/green stool disappeared and the birds started doing well and jumping and playing among themselves.

Wood Charcoal does the wonder healing and elimination of Coccidiosis in my farm. I feed them daily with it and I sleep with my two eyes closed. The question is when do I stop feeding them with it to avoid re-occurrence?
Ogazi E


Feeding your chickens charcoal is good for diarrhea as charcoal helps remove the toxins from the system. However, charcoal should be used sparingly and only given to your chickens for a few days until the diarrhea clears up as it will prevent the absorption of important nutrients if used on a long-term basis.

Activated charcoal should never be given to your chickens dry, but should be mixed to a wet slurry mixture. If you feed dry charcoal to chickens it will aspirate in the lungs.

You should be able to stop feeding your chickens charcoal now, and give them a few things as preventative measures against coccidiosis.

1. Add cider vinegar to their water at a rate of 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar per 5 gallons of water.

2. Add chopped garlic and plain yogurt to their food.

3. Keep the litter clean and the water clean.

4. Move the chickens to new ground and lime the old ground heavily.

5. Chickens fed with corn rather than wheat have a better resistance to coccidiosis.

Wishing you success with your chickens!

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Jun 07, 2012
treating Coccidiosis
by: Catherine Lyon

If you keep your chickens in their coop yard full time and not let them out to free range, your chances of getting Coccidiosis again very easily.

At least once a month, let your chickens out to free range and pull all coop materials out into yard (bedding, straw/hay, wood chips, etc.) and burn in and around your coop yard.

The burning gets rid of Coccidiosis, mites, and other chicken nasties.
The burning also puts charcoal into the ground for natural pecking (but not enough to aspirate in their lungs).
The burning is good for regrowth of coop yard.

Letting your chickens free range is also good for keeping down Coccidiosis (and getting rid of other bugs around your place that bother YOU), but I do both, free range and burn coop yard once a month!

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