Cajun way to remove "wild taste" from meats and fish

Cajun way to remove "wild taste" from meats and fish

I was just was reading up on ham curing, and they said not to use male boars, as their meat has a funny smell - it does! However this smell, and sometimes taste can be removed by doing a very simple thing....rub yellow mustard as part of rub.

Mustard is a natural tenderizer, and removes the fishy, wild, funny smell and taste of meats and fish. The mustard taste disappears with time, and cooking, leaving a nice smell, and excellent flavor.

Take a small portion of anything that needs the smell or flavor removed, add it to your rub, and allow it to remain on at least 45min., then cook, and enjoy! Try it, you'll like it!

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Feb 17, 2016
Baking Soda and Curing Meat
by: Anonymous

I have found that if you take the wild boar and place it in an ice chest, cover meat with baking soda, and cover with ice. For next 3 to 4 days drain water and top with ice. This makes the smell better and it's not as gamey tasting. May be my imagination but I do it with deer too.

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