Buy Acreage Now!

Buy Acreage Now!

by Edward Wayne Wilkins JR.
(Memphis Tn.U.S.A.)

Buy as much land that you can afford - 6 or more acres. You will be glad you did!

Grow food, raise livestock to eat and sell.

Edward Wayne Wilkins JR.


In today's uncertain times having your own land, raising your own livestock and growing vegetables, herbs etc. from your own saved seeds is becoming more and more something that people should definitely be thinking of.

However, I have said it before on this site, especially on the page entitled "Mini Farms" where I have demonstrated that if you cannot afford a lot of ground you can still be fairly self-sufficient on an acre or less.

However, if you have the money to invest, buying arable land with a water source is definitely a wise investment for an uncertain future.

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