Planting for vegetables,
and flowers is the idea that some plants have a beneficial effect on
others growing nearby and other plants have a detrimental influence.
This is an ancient idea that was seen during the times of the Romans,
and perhaps even before then.
One only has to look at the old-age tradition of North American agriculture of planting corn, beans and squash together. Corn grows tall, trying to steal as much sun as possible and taking out a lot of nitrogen from the soil. Beans grow up the stalks of the corn looking for the sun too, but putting nitrogen back into the soil.
Planting squash at the same time does well on the conditions and grows and spreads on the ground growing and harvested long after the harvest of the beans and the corn. Therefore, by inter-cropping, or companion planting, you have been able to grow 3 different vegetables in the same space as you would one.
Although many will disregard companion
planting and
see it as old wives' tales, many plants, flowers and herbs do defend
themselves against insects by being
poisonous to them
or developing a strong scent that frightens them away, and it is
possible that a plant growing close by might benefit from being in this
bug-free zone. So, although companion planting is also mixed up in
folklore, there is also an element of fact and this method can be
happily adopted by those who practice organic gardening.
For example, French marigolds (Tagetes patula) secrete an enzyme or a hormone into the soil that deters nematodes from infesting their roots, and it does seem that tomatoes or other nematode susceptible plants growing as neighbors will be protected. It may be significant that most of these beneficent plants are strongly aromatic.
Planting dill with
tomatoes will attract
the tomato worm for you. Interplanting your tomatoes with
basil is done because basil will help repel the tomato hornworm.
Many times, planting certain plants together is also for practical reasons. Planting lettuce next to corn means that the lettuces can be shaded during hot summers.
When you plant cabbages in the late summer, at the same time, and in the same bed, you can also plant garlic. Where cabbages will use of a lot of nutrients, and where the cabbages will be harvested in the autumn, the garlic will continue growing until the following summer resulting in good crops for both.
Planting mint with your cabbages will protect them against the cabbage worm
Chives and onions planted near carrots will help also deter the presence of carrot rust flies.
Radishes when planted next to Chervil benefit from the shade the herb casts, and the result is lovely juicy radishes that are not woody at all.
Beans are heavy feeders and therefore it is advisable to companion plant it with something less greedy. Therefore mustard is a perfect companion.
The common dandelion that some see as a scourge in the garden should think again. It is now known that dandelions attract pollinating insects. Furthermore, they also release ethylene which is a gas that encourages fruit setting and fruit ripening.
Daisies, dill, corriander and parsley are all good for attracting beneficial insects into the garden. The pollen they provide make them wonderful bee plants, but in addition they also attract parasitic wasps that prey on insect pests. These plants should be planted throughout the garden at regular intervals as many of these wasps are tiny and fly only over short distances.
Corriander also known as cilantro is will attract beneficial insects like baraconid wasps, hover flies and lacewings.
Mint attracts hover flies and spiders.Fennel
attracts braconid wasps, hover flies, lacewings,
Tansy attracts insidious flower flies, lacewings, ladybirds, and parasitic waspsp.
Yarrowattracts bees, hover flies, ladybirds and parasitic wasps.
Larger predatorial insects like lacewings and hoverflies also feed on pollen. By allowing these plants to go to seed, not only are you keeping the insect population in check, but you can save seeds at the same time for next planting season.
Queen Anne's lace attracts hover flies, ladybirds and spiders.
Flowering buckwheat attracts a whole host of good bugs; hover flies, lacewings, ladybirds, minute pirate bugs, predatory wasps and tachinid flies.
Sweet alyssum attracts braconid wasps, chalcids and hover flies.
Having Deep Roots | Brings nutrients to the surface, benefiting other plants. | Comfrey, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion. |
Enriching the Soil | Build up of minerals in leaves. Excrete material from
Plants add nitrogen to the soil. |
Comfrey, dandelion and stinging
Marigolds’ root exudate is fatal to nematodes. Beans excrete mycorrhiza, which benefits plant roots. Peas & peas ‘fix nitrogen’. |
Strong-Smelling Plants | Oil in some plants has fragrance that repels insects. | Garlic, pyrethrum and rosemary |
Attracting Pollinators | Flowers attract pollinators, increasing yields. | Yellow and blue flowers attract bees eg. blue borage. |
Attracting Other Predators | Plants attract other predators to the pests that attack them. | Parsley, celery and carrot family attract hover flies. Their larvae consume aphids, when in seed. |
Confusing Pests | Planting close together causes camouflage of odor and appearance. | Pennyroyal camouflages cabbage smell and celery camouflages cabbage shape. |
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And if you are looking to plant your own herbs, seeds and plants or would like some growing kits, visit our Online Gardening Supplies for more details. You will also find health products and herbs to buy through our Naturally Organic section.
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bad info on companion planting Not rated yet
Why do you state in one section beans and beets are compatible and in another section that they are not compatible? Can you please clarify?
Curry Plant for Companion Planting/Nasturtiums! Not rated yet
I have discovered when using nasturtiums as a companion plant the yellow flowered ones get attacked by white butterfly so a friend suggested I plant a …
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